
It's official! We're going to Canada!

If you've made your way to this site, it probably means you've received a newsletter from us in the past week or so.
Thank you for stopping by and checking in on our progress! We are indeed heading to Canada in a little less than a week and the excitement is beginning to set in. We have started making lists; packing lists, shopping lists, last minute to-do list...etc.

We are pleased and extremely humbled to report that we have received nearly all of our support. When I begin to feel overwhelmed, God surprises us with these blessing from very unexpected places. We are both so excited to see what surprise he has next.

Thank you for joining us on this journey! I will do my best to keep this site updated this week as we prepare to leave.

With Anticipation,
The Epperly's

1. Our finances are coming together much faster than anticipated.
2. We are joining an excited, strong team.

1. Ability to clearly focus on finishing things at home before we leave, specifically school finals.
2. Remain healthy during these next busy weeks with travel and work, especially for Lloyd's back.

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